With Emailbot

EmailBot is an artificial brain (AI) tool that optimizes email customer support, giving quicker and more exact responses to consumer inquiries.

Image of green gradient tiles box used for decorative purposeImage of green gradient tiles box used for decorative purpose

How Does It Work?

Give us some information

After you subscribe to our services you will fill in some forms in your profile settings.

We will setup bot for you

We create your bot and set it up to your needs while you don’t have to do anything.

The bot is live

When your bot's ready, we'll let you informed. To use our mail domain, simply forward your inbox to it.

Relax all issues fix resolved

Our Emailbot takes care of the rest so you can enjoy the fun parts of running a business!

Faster, Smarter, and More
than 100 Times Cheaper


*Average customer service worker costs anually


*Average Emailbot costs anually



Earlybird price ⚡️ (will be $30 in 2024. Stays $20 if you subscribe now.)

Free setup
Unlimited emails
All languages
Free customer service email

Earlybird price ⚡️ (will be $400 in 2024. Stays $200 if you subscribe now.)

$100 setup fee
Unlimited emails
All languages
Free customer service email
We can customize it for every type of business

Earlybird price ⚡️ (will be $30 in 2024. Stays $16 if you subscribe now.)

Free setup
Unlimited emails
All languages
Free customer service email

Earlybird price ⚡️ (will be $400 in 2024. Stays $160 if you subscribe now.)

$100 setup fee
Unlimited emails
All languages
Free customer service email
We can customize it for every type of business

Frequently Asked Questions

What is EmailBot?
Image of plus icon used to open and close service list

EmailBot is an AI-powered solution that streamlines email customer service, providing faster and more accurate responses to customer inquiries especially for ecommerce.

How does it work?
Image of plus icon used to open and close service list

After you subscribe to our services you will fill in some forms in your profile settings. We create your bot and set it up to your needs while you don’t have to do anything. We will notify you when your bot is ready. All you have to do is forward your inbox to the mail domain we give you. Our EmailBot takes care of the rest so you can enjoy the fun parts of running a business!

Do you have a free plan?
Image of plus icon used to open and close service list

No unfortunately we don't.

What is the pricing?
Image of plus icon used to open and close service list

The pricing is pretty simple. We have a pro plan for businesses that have a simple ecommerce or dropshipping store, and we have an enterprise plan for businesses that have a different type of business.

What about the security and privacy of our data?
Image of plus icon used to open and close service list

Data security and privacy are top priorities. Our agents are developed with the latest security protocols to ensure your data is protected at all times, maintaining confidentiality and compliance.

Where is my data stored?
Image of plus icon used to open and close service list

Good news! We don't need personal data to make the bot work. You just fill in some forms in your dashboard and the bot is working!

Supercharge Your Customer Service today

EmailBot is the AI-powered solution that streamlines customer service interactions.
Sign up today and never stress about customer support ever again.